When a Television Channel, by censorship, in their Broadcasts, MUTES every mention of the name JESUS CHRIST and some other CHRISTIAN-RELATED WORDS AND TERMS; and also the mention of God, such as in the expression “Oh My God”, but FAIL TO APPLY MUTE when NAMES OF DEITIES are mentioned, I Can’t Help But Wonder: Are they truly trying to maintain a Non-conformist stand on religion or are they AGAINST CHRISTIAN RELIGION IN PARTICULAR and every religion that upholds WORSHIP OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD?
Maintaining a Non-conformist stand towards religion in secular establishments is understandable but when the scenario is like the one I have put forth here, then, I QUESTION WHAT THEIR TRUE INTENTIONS ARE.
Several Cable Television Channels, both Non-African & African Are Guilty of the Aforementioned Evil.
I feel so Insulted watching such Channels that I tune off.
I don’t think they are trying to be Secular. They are being Satanic.
http://www.donald-ifesinachi-dicn.com — http://www.yaahssogah.biz — http://www.igbo-naani.org.ng — http://www.fortheloveofthisnation.org.ng — http://www.dicnei.com — http://www.shoppinginenugu.com.ng — http://www.igbotoenglish.dicn.name — http://www.igbonamesandmeanings.dicn.name — http://www.dicn.name